Dhabicoin — A unique and revolutionary asset standing out in the Blockchain World

6 min readJun 19, 2021


Blockchain has made itself a prominent technology where many platforms flourish with its advantages. Dhabicoin is one of them. Dhabicoin is a unique and revolutionary asset, like every asset in the blockchain world, the owners of Dhabicoin can only gain from its market valuation. Dhabicoin is very potential in Blockchain technology, which has many more opportunities to expand in the future, and it will grow along with its customers. So, buckle up and invest in the best reward-giving platform Dhabicoin with numerous unique services.

Integration of Dhabicoin with Blockchain

Evolution, technology, financial valuation are the marks that DhabiCoin is standing out in the blockchain ecosystem, and DhabiCoin always evolved in price and the adoption of the word blockchain. Blockchain is a particular type of data source. It differs from an average database in the manner it stores data; blockchains store info in blocks that happen to be therefore chained together. As different data will come in it is certainly entered into a clean block. After the block is filled up with data it is chained onto the prior block, which causes the data chained mutually in chronological order.

Advantages of Blockchain in Dhabicoin

Accuracy of the Chain

Transactions on the blockchain network are approved by a good network of a large number of computers. This gets rid of almost all individual involvement in the verification method, leading to fewer human mistakes and a precise record of information.

Cost Reductions

Commonly, consumers pay a bank to verify a transaction, a notary to sign a document, or a minister to execute a marriage. Blockchain eliminates the necessity for third-receive together verification and, with it, their involved costs. Companies incur a small cost whenever they accept repayments using credit cards


Blockchain will not store some of its information found in a central location. Rather, the blockchain is normally copied and passed on across a network of computer systems. Whenever a brand-new block is added to the blockchain, every computer on the network updates its blockchain to reflect the switch.

Secure Transactions

Once a transaction is recorded, its authenticity must be verified by the blockchain network. Thousands of computer systems on the blockchain rush to confirm that the details of the order are right. After a computer has validated the deal, it is added to the blockchain block.

Who can use Dhabicoin?

With the focus not on the product itself, but people, the network meets the need for many profiles, such as:

Investors: Those who wish to acquire cryptocurrencies while a form of expense, profiting from their appreciation over time. Often, they do not have the necessary knowledge to use market tools, such as opening orders, etc., looking for and then buy or offering their cryptocurrencies in an easy and simple & most direct way possible.

Experienced traders: the trader is going to invest in cryptocurrencies by performing consistent investing operations, increasing from the volatility of the currency. Rather than simply betting upon this or that currency, the investor is mindful of market movements and improvements in his investments as the marketplace changes, because of this he needs advanced equipment for trade and examination.

Beginning or everyday traders: those people who are already trading cryptocurrencies, creating trade orders, but usually do not yet possess the necessary experience to accomplish their analysis.

Merchants and buyers: those that wish to work with cryptocurrencies for repayment and receipt of product or service within their daily lives. Furthermore, they are persons who can reap the benefits of blockchain technology through good contracts for various areas of their lives.

Enthusiastic and curious: certainly, all previous profiles match a little into this one, which comprises those who wish a better understanding of this new world, or probe their knowledge of technology, its applications, details on the expense, and trade.

KYC/AML (know your client/ anti-money laundering)

A well-implemented KYC policy ensures that Dhabicoin’s operation is in line with the legislation in force in the country regarding this topic. More than adapting to the legislation, it is the commitment that funds obtained through procedures on the network are not used for illicit reasons.

Dhabicoin does not prevent users with incomplete registration from trading, they only apply limits, which will be removed as the user completes the necessary registration information. The users of the network can still see, in a specific area, all the information they have about it typed data, files sent and info collected instantly, such as its location.

Understanding Tokenization

Tokenization technology is perceived as a protected cycle that scrambles every client’s card number into a token. The token is an exceptional grouping of characters. Rather than putting away the token number, the framework just necessitates storing the token. Token codes are utilized rather than card data in exchanges, guaranteeing maximum security. In case of an information break, an interloper won’t get to the real card’s information because the tokens put away in the framework won’t be necessary to all clients, aside from the legitimate payers. This is viewed as an answer that significant credit and monetary organizations have been applying when giving installment cards to their clients.

Token (DBC)

DHABICOIN is their cryptographic token, created in the Binance platform. It will be distributed at a token generation event for those who contribute to the DHABICOIN network project, as described in this document.

Number of tokens: DBC

What are the advantages to acquiring Dhabi Coin (DBC)

Dhabicoin, BEP-20 token, its code written in the Binance blockchain, in a high level of security, decentralized and its users can be benefited with the enrichment of Dhabicoin. Dhabicoin a highly profitable asset for its holders.


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Social Network of Dhabicoin

The social network may be the central facet of Dhabicoin, being the bottom and the hyperlink between the rest of the modules. Identical in its procedure to established systems, it includes a TimeLine, the probability to follow various other users and interact via remarks, shares, likes, as well as by private messages.

It has important positive aspects over generic platforms:

• Because it includes a KYC system, this is a network without “fakes” profiles, a network where many people are identified and you understand that you will be following the true person or trade;

• Its members talk about the same center point, which may be the market and usage of cryptocurrencies;

• Encourages interactions between associates that support them to grow as investors. By following leading investors, beginners are better educated and can make smarter investment decisions.

• By observing the activities of others and taking part in the discussions helps to try to make better-informed decisions, because of the aftereffect of “wisdom of the group”.

Dhabicoin unites social networking platforms, payments, smart contracts, cryptocurrency universities. They understand that the synergy between these platforms, when integrated, gives them greater value than the simple sum of the parts, creating a revolutionary ecosystem in which people can invest, negotiate, payout, and receive, as well as inform and learn about cryptocurrencies. So, you can invest here without any confusion.

Official Links;

Website: https://dhabicoin.ae
ICO Sale: https://dhabicoin.ae/public/invite?ref=UD00002
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/94HGhsK4sDNlN2Jk
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/dhabicoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DhabicoinUae
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hP9VhhWtPuI1ON3Iw-8GJLJzRo0wVy_C/view
Medium: https://dhabicoin.medium.com


BitcoinTalk username : alisadoll
My Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2163464
BEP20 (BSC) Wallet Address: 0x95DE5b16D11f5250cC4E66A026b4b2F20EE9fe65
Proof Of Registration Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5339767.msg57270076#msg57270076

